Today I received the sad news that Sandro Forte of the Canadian website CineTalk passed away of natural causes. He was only 49 years old. I met Sandro during the Krakow Film Music Festival in 2018 where we were both invited guests. As a result, we sat next to each other during concerts and had pleasant conversations about cinema, music, culture and more amazing things. I got to know him as a wonderful person. During that edition, we collaborated on an interview with the fantastic composer and Oscar Winner Elliot Goldenthal. If you read carefully, you can see the skill of Forte. He was able, with his amazing questions, to get so many fantastic stories from Goldenthal, where I could not. I still try to use his way of conducting interviews until this day. You can read it in our conversation with Elliot Goldenthal.
Last September, I was on holiday in Eastern Canada with two friends and was invited into his home. Instead of giving instructions on how to walk from the bus stop to his house, he met us halfway to guide us. This is such a small thing, that showcases how he thinks about other people first, before thinking about himself.
Sandro Forte will be missed. I wish more people could get to know him and listen to all his amazing stories. I wish his family and friends all the best.